Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cityscape 3

Futuristic cityscape where the buildings of the 20th Century are dwarfed by late 21st Century mega-structures. This was done on the back of a business card with various highlighters for color.
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  1. Hey I'm glad that you left a comment on our blog! Now I can blog stalk you! I like both your doodle & photog-blog. Cool.
    And, your profile picture looks exactly like you...
    I would have recognized you anywhere.


  2. Thanks! I just started the doodle-blog tonight. I brought home a stack of 'em from work, and I've been scanning them in. :)

  3. Hi! Love your doodles, especially the mental floss guy, he makes me laugh too! This reminded me, I have some scanned doodles from Christmas a few years ago, want me to send them?

